RBW chartered accountants
Our Services
We offer the following services:

Accounting and bookkeeping
We offer accounting and bookkeeping solutions for all types of business entities, including the preparation of both general purpose and special purpose annual financial statements. We are able to assist you with the selection of a suitable accounting package for your business and provide training and support for your accounting processes.

Preparation and review
Preparation and review of compliance returns including income tax returns for individuals, companies, trusts and super annuation funds, workers compensation reports, payroll and land tax returns.

General business advice
General business advice, including strategic planning, preparation of business plans, budgets and cashflows. Financial analysis of key performance indicators and guidance on achieving your business goals.

General income tax advice
Advising on all aspects of income tax for business, individuals and superannuation funds. We can help you navigate complex matters such as international tax issues, capital gains tax and fringe benefits. RBW can assist with all aspects of an audit by the Australian Tax Office or Office of State Revenue, liaising with the relevant authorities and guiding you through the process.

Access to network of professionals
We have developed long term relationships with a number of professional service providers who can assist with a variety of personal and business requirements. These include: lawyers, banking, stock brokers, investment advisors, mortgage brokers, architects, bookkeeping and insurance.

Business purchases
We can assist you with all aspects of acquiring a business, including the selection of a suitable business structure, due diligence and managing the practical aspects of transferring the business activities.

Business sales
RBW can assist with succession planning solutions and preparing your business for future sale. We will support and guide you through the process, including understanding and managing the taxation implications, negotiating the terms of the sale and the practical aspects of transferring business assets and activities to the new owner.

Family groups and estate planning
Review of the structure of the family group, including businesses, investments and personal matters for asset protection and tax, estate and succession planning. Advising on inter-generational wealth transfer planning, including the use of testamentary and discretionary trusts. We work with your solicitor to find solutions to manage the transfer of your assets to your beneficiaries in the most tax effective way.

Financing solutions
We can assist with introductions to finance providers and smooth the way to a successful conclusion by presenting your information in an effective manner and liaise with your financier to facilitate the process. This applies to both personal and business finance requirements.

Secretarial solutions
We can set up your new company and can manage your ongoing compliance obligations ensuring your records are kept up to date with Australian Securities & Investments Commission.