Privacy Policy

This privacy policy applies to Rigney Bolton Woodward Pty Ltd trading as RBW Accountants and any entity owned or controlled by us; collectively referred to as “RBW”. We respect your right to privacy and we recognise the importance of keeping all personal information we collect about you and your organisation secure. This policy explains how we comply with the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) and the Privacy Act 1988. The APPs set out how personal information may be collected, used and stored and how an individual may access the personal information held about them or make complaints about it. If we are required by law to release information about you or your organisation, we are compelled to comply.

What personal information will RBW collect and how is this information used?

When we are engaged to provide accounting, taxation or advisory services, we collect information directly from you, your organisation, or a third party as instructed and authorised by you.

The information we collect may include:

  • Personal details such as name, date of birth and gender
  • Contact details (addresses, phone numbers, e-mail details)
  • Bank account details
  • Tax file numbers
  • Drivers licence details
  • Any other relevant information related to the services we are providing.
  • Details of information held by the Australian Tax Office relating to your tax matters.
How do we collect and hold personal information?

We collect information directly from you, or from third parties as instructed and authorised by you. We may also collect personal information from various sources of correspondence with you, such as letters and e-mails, or from telephone calls and meetings. We may also receive information about you from third parties such as government agencies, professional referrers and financial institutions.

When we receive personal information about you from a third party, we will take reasonable steps to ensure that you are aware of the matters set out in this privacy policy. We will not collect sensitive information unless you have consented or an exemption under the APPs applies.

Your personal information is held and stored on paper and electronically. Our security measures designed to protect against unauthorised access include:

  • Secure premises with after-hour restricted access to the building,
  • Access to our computer system is restricted and all data is password protected, with 2-factor authentication protection in place for remote access
  • All RBW employees are required to sign confidentiality agreements in their employment contracts.
  • All electronic data is stored in Australia only, either on our secure sever or on servers

    maintained by cloud service providers.

Why do we collect personal information?

We may use your personal information for the following purposes:

  • We may not be able to properly provide the services for which we have been engaged if we do not have all the required information.
  • We are required by law to identify you if we are engaged to provide services as a tax agent.
  • To protect our business and other clients from unlawful or fraudulent activity.
  • To perform administration tasks.
  • To comply with our legal and professional obligations.
Unsolicited personal information

If we receive personal information about you which we have not requested or which is not relevant to our engagement, we destroy it.

Whose personal information do we collect?

We may collect and hold personal information about:

  • Our clients and prospective clients,
  • Employees and prospective employees and contractors,
  • Service providers or suppliers,
  • Professional referrers
Who does RBW disclose information to?

We do not sell, trade or otherwise provide access to your information to any unrelated third parties without your consent. Where we want to introduce you to additional services or offerings by third parties, we manage the communication with you on their behalf.

We may disclose personal information to:

  • An entity related to RBW
  • An agent, contractor or service provider engaged by us, such as our lawyers, debt collectors or other advisors,
  • External auditors, where such engagement is required by law,
  • Regulatory bodies, government agencies, law enforcement bodies and Courts
Access to and correction of personal information

Should you wish to access or modify your personal information, you may gain access to information that RBW has collected about you and your business by contacting the director responsible for your affairs.

You may e-mail updated contact information to our office or inform us of any changes in writing.

Complaints and concerns

We have systems and procedures in place for dealing with complaints and concerns in relation to our procedures.

If you wish to make a complaint about our handling of personal information, please contact the director responsible for your affairs or our office administrator. We will endeavour to provide a formal response to your complaint within 30 days.

If our response is not to your satisfaction and we are unable to resolve the matter, you may refer your complain to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.

Contact details
RBW Office administrator
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
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